
The 博彩平台推荐 警察局 was founded in September 1949 by CU President Robert Stearns. The department was established after two campus murders occurred during the preceding nine months. 特蕾莎·福斯特在1948年冬天被杀, and in June 1949 Roy Spore was beaten and thrown into 博尔德 Creek, 他淹死的地方. Spore had apparently been trying to protect his girlfriend from a "sex fiend" who appeared out of the dark north of Sewall Hall. Although a former CU engineering student confessed to the murder at a Los Angles veteran’s hospital in 1954, his confession was discounted by police and the murder remains unsolved.

在早期, 这个部门由新主任组成, 理查德·斯垂顿, 三个巡逻警察, 还有一个白天的交警. The officers were equipped with a 1949 Ford "prowl car" complete with radio. Officers were originally commissioned by both the city and the county, with each new hire approved by the 博尔德 police chief and the sheriff.

The "crime wave" of 1949 gave way to the relatively calm period of the fifties and early sixties. CU的下一个重大犯罪发生在1966年. Elaura Jean Jaquette, a botany student, was raped and murdered in Macky Auditorium. Joseph Morse, the janitor, was subsequently arrested and convicted for the crime. The investigation was run by 博尔德 PD and included detectives from Denver PD. 当时,中城警署还没有调查组. 为了便于比较, the 博尔德 PD force of that period was smaller than our department is today.

The later sixties and early seventies also brought a period of campus unrest, 其中大部分与越南战争有关. Protest marches, building occupations, riots, and bombings all occurred on campus. In 1974, the 警察局 itself (which was located at 百老汇914号) was bombed.

1970年,局长斯特拉顿退休,由约翰·托尔接替. Chief Towle started as a patrolman with the department in 1957 and had worked his way up through the ranks. The 1970s witnessed the establishment of the investigations bureau and a crime prevention unit. 随着组织结构的变化, CUPD 太k over the investigation of all crimes on campus from the 博尔德 PD.

20世纪80年代又发生了两起谋杀案. In 1984, 黛布拉·博伊德被前夫殴打致死, who was arrested at the scene of the crime and subsequently convicted. In 1985, 一个婴儿被母亲闷死了, 中大学生, 谁承认虐待儿童导致死亡.

The mid-'80s were also marked by protests against the CIA and CU investments in South Africa during the apartheid era. Several demonstrations led to mass arrests in excess of 500 people in one case. In 1986, one demonstration turned into a riot requiring over 150 officers from CU, 博尔德, 治安部门, 和州巡逻队来维持治安.

In 1991, Chief Towle retired and was succeeded by Jim Fadenrecht. 和他的前任一样, Chief Fadenrecht started his career with the department as a student employee in the 1970s and consistently moved through the ranks. The 1990s was a period of growth and expansion for the department, with many new innovations such as the implementation of a Community Service Aide program (presently the Community Safety Operations program). Initiated in 1991 by Captain Dave Evans and the CU Committee on Personal Safety (COPS), the program sought to involve student employees in making positive contacts with the campus community and act as extra “eyes and ears” for CUPD in the detection of crime and suspicious activity.

Several high profile crime incidents occurring in the 1990s catalyzed the community to address public safety and increased the demand for CUPD involvement in crime prevention and community-oriented policing activities. 在1997年, “疯狗”大卫·辛普森, was murdered in a transient camp in the wooded area north of the Student Recreation Center. 在那年的12月, CU student Susannah Chase was beaten to death in the Whittier neighborhood near the Pearl Street Mall.

在Fadenrecht长官任期内, 该部门搬到了现址, 摄政大道1050号的警察及停车服务大楼. 在此之前, the department had been housed in a variety of basements across campus, 从麦基开始,然后是瓦尔登堡, 百老汇914号, 最后是军械库.

首席执行官Fadenrecht于2005年1月退休. 他的继任者乔·罗伊于2005年2月1日开始任职. 为CU社区服务了很长时间, Roy previously served as the director of the Parking and Transportation 服务 division. Roy lead the department through three presidential visits to campus during 2012 and the scaling-down of the annual disruptive 4/20 gathering that year, 太. 他于2013年8月退休. 科罗拉多州莱克伍德的前警察局长罗恩·伯恩斯(Ron Burns)说., 当了四个月的临时警长, a period that included CU's destrutive floods in September 2013. 

In December 2013, Melissa Zak was named CU's fifth permanent Chief of Police. Zak, who came to CU with 20 years of experience at the Los Angeles 警察局, 是博尔德县历史上第一位女警长吗.

在11月, 2016, Zak was promoted to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Infrastructure and Safety and Deputy Chief Ken Koch was promoted to Chief in March of 2017. Koch had been Deputy Chief with CUPD for two years and had more than 25 years of law enforcement service working his way from police offifer to Chief of Police in departments in Flagstaff, 亚利桑那州. 陶斯,N.M. 科赫于2018年从该部门退休.

Doreen Jokerst于8月9日被任命为警察局长. 24, 2018. She came to CU 博尔德 after serving with the Parker (CO) 警察局 for more than 20 years. She has a Bachelor's degree from Metro State University and a Master's degree from Regis University. She is also a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command, 高级警察管理学院课程, 以及联邦调查局国家学院.

通过创新和努力, CUPD has become one of the preeminent law enforcement organizations in the county. 博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐的声誉感到自豪, 不仅仅是其他警察部门, 但最重要的是在学生群体中, 教师, 博彩平台推荐服务的员工.

2024年,中国共产党纪念其成立 75周年. 这个部门在规模和地位上都有了显著的增长, 在瞬息万变的世界中迎接警务挑战. 读到 一名CUPD团队成员 谁在警察局75年的历史中服务了三分之一, 受到他父亲的启发.