
Sara Bredengerd

Patrick Greaney

Patrick Greaney

German Program
19th & 20th C. 德国和法国文学. 先锋派的历史和理论. Critical theory. Modern and contemporary art.
Vicki Grove

Vicki Grove

Russian Program
The vampire in popular culture and literature; connections between Nordic and Russian cultures.

Karen Hawley

Saskia Hintz

Saskia Hintz

German Program
Second language acquisition. 文学、艺术和创意写作在语言课堂上的运用. Contemporary Germany.
Arne Hoecker

Arne Höcker

Associate Professor
German Program
German Literature and Culture from the 18th century to the present; literary theory; history and theory of scientific cultures.
Berit Jany

Berit Jany

German Program
SLA, Interculturality, 整体外语教学, German-Americana, Anabaptism and Pietism.

Christine Luft

Academic Advisor
Asian Languages and Civilizations; Asian Studies; French & Italian; Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures Advisor
Adrienne Merritt

Adrienne Merritt

German Program
非洲和黑人德国文化生产, 日耳曼中世纪文学和文化, beguine mysticism, queer theory of affect, aesthetics, and phenomenology, antiracist pedagogy, 非殖民化和/或德国研究.
Helmut Muller-Sievers

Helmut Muller-Sievers

German Program
Galina Nicoll

Galina Nicoll

Teaching Assistant Professor
Russian Program
History and culture of the Space Race; Russian language, online pedagogy and intercultural communicative competence; Russian literature: 20th-century, science fiction and women's prose; Contemplative neuroscience in education; performing arts (music, theater, dance) and performance studies; literary canon and national mythmaking.
Mathias Nordvig

Mathias Nordvig

Teaching Assistant Professor
Nordic Program
前基督教北欧神话, Scandinavian folklore, Nordic memory studies, myth and disaster studies, 北大西洋和格陵兰文学, 维京时代的接待史, Neo-paganism.
Laura Osterman

劳拉·奥尔森·奥斯特曼. Olson)

Russian Program
Russian and Bulgarian folk and popular culture; ethnographic methods in humanities research; gender studies; memoir, diary, and personal story; folk music and dance revival; minority studies; nationalism.
Anastasiya Osipova

Anastasiya Osipova

Assistant Professor
Russian Program
Russian and Eastern European twentieth and twenty-first-century culture; Soviet theory and materialist aesthetics, 他们对20世纪20年代至60年代俄罗斯文学的影响, and their afterlives in contemporary Eastern European political art and culture; Historical Poetics; prison writing; feminism; post-classical anarchism; history of Soviet pedagogical experiments.
Natalia Plagmann

Natalia Plagmann

Teaching Assistant Professor
Russian Program
Russian language and literature; contemporary Russian culture; post-Soviet documentary cinema and theater; film, media, and performance studies.
Avedan Raggio

Avedan Raggio

Teaching Assistant Professor
Nordic Program
Late Antiquity in Europe,从异教到基督教的过渡, Heroes in Epic Literature, 历史与文学中的战争, Historiography, 纺织品与实验考古学
Artemi Romanov

Artemi Romanov

Russian Program
History of American-Russian relations; history of sport and the cold war; interpersonal and intergenerational communication; lexicology, 社会语言学与第二语言习得.
Ann Schmiesing

Ann Schmiesing

German Program
18和19世纪的德国和挪威文学和文化. Fairy tales and folklore. 莱辛和启蒙运动. Disability studies.
Nadia Schuman

Nadia Schuman

German Program
19世纪德国浪漫主义、政治浪漫主义、浪漫民族主义和民粹主义. Romantic nihilism.
A photo of Lauren Stone.

Lauren Stone

German Program
十九和二十世纪的文学, literary theory, queer and critical theories, and history of philosophy.
Beverly Weber

Beverly Weber

German Program
critical race studies; gender and sexuality studies; immigrant and refugee art, film and literature